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Our Raging Fears

Our Raging Fears

I don’t like what I see. I am so afraid of failure. I am afraid of pursuing my dreams because I might not succeed. It seems that I have a tendency to follow everyone else’s dreams so that I will not fail at following my own dreams. I think most of us struggle with...

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Summer Time, Family Time

Summer Time, Family Time

Are you aware of the disillusionment that comes from paying too much attention to social media? We can easily become discontent with our own lives, our own bodies, our own families, or our social status. In the summer time, it seems like many people post pictures of...

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Invisible Fences

Invisible Fences

Fences are meant to define boundaries, show property lines, and keep people out. Invisible fences are typically meant to keep pets in. Usually one isn’t aware of the invisible fence until it is crossed. The first time little Fido breaks the barrier of the newly...

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